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[Leeder Quay x Sake Incident] Craft Sake Tasting Event

今次嘅手工清酒活動真係大成功desu!多得主辦單位之一 @sakeincident 精心挑選咗一系列清酒比清酒迷們!唔少人都嚟到參與呢個極富教育性同娛樂性兼備嘅聚會,仲品味到味道細緻,令人回味無窮嘅美酒。真係好期待下一次嘅活動呀!!
Our Craft Sake Tasting Event last Saturday was a great success! Thanks to one of the organizers, @sakeincident , a series of carefully hand-picked sakes were provided for all the sake lovers, making this an educational and entertaining gathering where they had the opportunity to appreciate the refined flavors of sake, leaving a lasting impression. We can’t wait for the next one! 😍