123 Wellington Street, Central
Open in maps
Mon - Thu
2pm - 9pm
Fri - Sat, PH
1pm - 9pm
Sun Closed
Think Pink!
說時遲,那時快,元宵佳節快到時我們又忙著要準備西洋的情人節了~話說 Valentine’s Day 之前七日就要開始進入忘我浪漫的情人節狀態。所以每年的2月7日都是 Rose Day 玫瑰日。姚莉都有唱過「玫瑰玫瑰情意重 玫瑰玫瑰情意濃 長夏開在荊棘裡 玫瑰玫瑰我愛你」所以玫瑰是世上最能代表愛意的花朵。不過李德記想帶你和你的情人用更特別的「玫瑰」去慶祝這個浪漫的日子💕 因為在葡萄酒的世界裏,Rosé Wine 應該會是 the best romantic rose ever!
It’s going to be the Lantern Festival soon but we also need to get ourselves prepared the coming Valentine’s Day! Before we are having romantic candlelight dinner with our loved one on 14th February, you better prepare your huge rose bouquets starting from 7th, the Rose Day to enter the journey of Valentine’s 😉 That definitely impresses your other half and the audiences surrounding 😎
Anyway, Leeder Quay got you a great idea to send “Rose” to your valentine because we have the best rosé for you to select 💕
Come join our Think Pink! Wine Tasting this Saturday and you will receive this beautiful rosy bouquet 💐 crafted by @beambloomstudio
Come join our Think Pink! Wine Tasting this Saturday and you will receive this beautiful rosy bouquet 💐 crafted by @beambloomstudio